
Benefits of Open Adoptions for the Child

As many genetic differences as there are in the world, there are as many different ways an open adoption can function. As an adoptive family and birthmother come together through private adoption, they choose how the adoptive child’s life is going to unfold. There are benefits to offering an adoptive child an open adoption between…

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Know your Options When Adopting a Child

Years ago you adopted a child through a closed adoption process and by the time the child was 10 years old, you were looking for answers about the child’s family medical history because of present health concerns. While sometimes those in the medical industry can find answers and solutions through symptoms, at other times, there…

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Choosing Closed Adoption or Open Adoption

As a birth mother, you make the decisions for your child, and you have decided to give your child up for adoption. When putting your child up for adoption there are many options that will have an impact on how your future and your child’s future will look. Take a look at this general overview of…

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3 Benefits of Open Adoption for the Adoptive Parents

When adopting a child from the birth parents, there are many unknowns. Some of these can contribute to fears the adoptive parents may have throughout the life of their adoptive child. Having a closed adoption allays none of these fears, because there can be little to no information that will help reduce the fear or…

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Adopting a Child from Another State: Information you Should Know

Private adoption within the same state as you have residence is different than if you choose to adopt a child from out of state. IN an effort to protect all parties involved, the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) ruled that there has to be regulations on interstate adoptions. This started in the…

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Adoption: International and Domestic

Both domestic and international adoption have been common in the United States since the mid-1900s. In 1963, the United States authorized international adoption permanently. Even before then, there were international adoptions to provide for the children who were orphaned by World War II. For both forms of adoption, the processes are very different, although the…

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A Brief History of Adoption in the United States – Part 2

Our previous blog gave a brief history of adoption in the United States up to the 1960s when the demand for adoption was high. The U.S. government endorsed intercountry adoption to help with the number of orphaned children from World War II. In 1963, the U.S. made the intercountry adoption permanent. The demand for domestic…

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A Brief History of Adoption in the United States – Part 1

Adoption has been around since the beginning of recorded history. While cultures around the world have differing procedures for when it is done and how, there are some united factors. When a child needs a parent and doesn’t have one, the child is adopted by another adult. In the United States, adoption has been a…

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Thoughts from Birth Mothers

Adoption takes courage. It’s not an easy decision to offer your child to another family, but for birth mothers who choose adoption, they want to communicate the love they have for their child to the adoptive parents whether she can put the thoughts and feelings into words or not. These thoughts aren’t always communicated through…

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